Hyacinth Bean Vine – Purple Flowering Vine

The Hyacinth Bean Vine (also known as Hyacinth Vine, Lablab purpureus, and Dolichos lablab) is a beautiful fast growing vine that puts on an amazing display of purple or white flowers, dark green foliage, and velvet-like bean pods.

Hyacinth Vine is native to Africa. It can grow up to fifteen feet tall, and should be planted near some type of vertical support, such as a trellis, fence, or wall. It can grow in any hardiness zone during warm weather. In USDA Hardiness Zones 10 – 11, it grows as a perennial.

The flowers are fragrant and bloom during the summer months into fall. The vibrant flowers attract bees, butterflies and birds. The heart-shaped, medium to dark green leaves have a purplish cast and a smooth texture. After the flowers bloom, dark purple seedpods appear.

The seeds can be collected for propagation after the pods dry on the plant – just break open the dry pods to collect the seeds. This purple flowering vine is easy to grow and will thrive with proper care.

Hyacinth Bean Vine Information and Plant Care Tips

USDA Hardiness Zone

USDA Zone 10 - 11


Full sun - will benefit from some direct sunlight.


Keep soil moist, not saturated. Water regularly, avoid overwatering.


You will want to feed your plant about once a month during the growing season. Use organic compost or a slow-release fertilizer. Use a high phosphorous formula just before the first blooming period.


Hyacinth Vines are grown from seeds. Sow the seeds directly into your garden after the last frost has past. Seeds should be planted 1 1/2 inches deep. Space seeds a minimum of six inches apart.

Hyacinth Bean seeds can also be started in three inch peat pots before planting outdoors. Place two to three seeds in a peat pot filled soilless potting mix - just barely cover the seedlings.

Moisten soil and keep in a warm, indoor location until seeds germinate. Use scissors to cut off weak seedlings. Plant the vine and pot outdoors when danger of frost has passed.

The seed germination period takes approximately two to three weeks. A seedling germination mat can also be used to start seeds indoors.


Grows best in moist, well-drained soil.

Pests and Diseases

Insect and disease problems are minimal. Insecticides, repellents or fungicide should be applied as needed.

Display and Uses

Hyacinth Bean Vine can be planted in hanging baskets or pots. If planted in a traditional pot, provide some type of support, such as a small trellis. Support is necessary when planted in the landscape as well; plant near a trellis, wall, or fence.

Tips for Planting Hyacinth Bean Vine

Planting Location

Select a location that receives bright sunshine (direct sun is ideal). This tropical vine prefers a sunny location; however, it will tolerate light shade. A moist, well-draining soil is preferred. Also, climbing vines need vertical support, such as a fence, trellis, or wall.

Seed Preparation

To prepare Hyacinth Bean seeds for planting, nick the seeds with a knife. Soak the seeds in water overnight to promote germination. After the danger of frost has past, seeds can be planted directly into the soil.

Depth and Spacing

Seedlings should be planted six inches apart, 1 ½ inches deep into the soil.